UPDATE – June 16, 2013
An amazing night of doubles squash was had by all that participated in the 2013 Calcutta. The first two matches at Vancouver Racquets Club saw Robert Pacey and Mark Heaney defeat Doug MacDougall and Nicola Martin 3-0 while Brian Covernton and his sister Cathy defeated Tim Martin and Lynn Broman 3-0. Meanwhile at the Vancouver Lawn & Tennis Club, Chris Harley and Ruth Castellino defeated Michael Leckie and Sue Wastie 3-1 and Greg Desaulniers and Katherine Johnson defeated Ryan Haider and Natasha Doucas by a score of 3-1.

The second round took place at Van Lawn and in the first semi-final match Robert Pacey and Mark Heaney defeated Chris Harley and Ruth Castellino 3-1. The second semi-final saw the Coverntons defeat Michael Leckie (subbing in for an injured Greg Desaulniers) and Katherine Johnson 3-0. This set up a final between the “0” handicapped team of Robert Pacey and Mark Heaney and the the “+1” Coverntons. It was a well played match that went to five with Pacey and Heaney coming out on top. This was Pacey’s second title in a row and word is that his handicap will be much different next year.
Congrats to all of those who placed bets and helped the BC Jesters raise $2500 for Squash BC’s 2020 Fund.
The BC Jesters are holding their annual Doubles Calcutta on Friday, June 14, 2013, at Vancouver Lawn & Tennis Club. 2/3 of the monies raised will go directly to the 2020 Fund which is an initiative of Squash BC that promotes the growth of the game of squash through the development of junior squash. This event is open to the public and admission is FREE.
• Bids are accepted for individual players and each player has a handicap.
• Once the bidding closes players will be randomly assigned to teams and randomly placed in the draw.
• Each team’s handicap will be the sum of the two team member handicaps added together (i.e. it is possible for a team to have a negative handicap.)
• All matches are best of five games.
• ‘Pro-am scoring’ will be in effect – i.e. a team team that loses a game gets 3 additional handicap points for the next game – unless this would bring them automatically to 15 points, in which case the three points are subtracted from the other team’s handicap. If a team loses the first game and then wins the second game, the three points that were awarded after the first game are deducted (rather than added to the other team).
Email Michael Leckie: mleckie@camposleckie.ca
Bids will be published here at 9am / 1pm / 6pm daily
Bidding closes Thursday June 13th at 5pm
Sue Wastie (R) +5 ($150 Doucas)
Lynn Broman (R) +4 ($100 Doucas)
Ruth Castellino (R) +3 ($200 Osburn)
Robert Pacey (L) +3 ($150 Silgailis)
Natasha Doucas (R) +2 ($150 Bowen)
Brian Covernton (L) +2 ($200 B/L Armstrong) Doug MacDougall (L) +2 ($200 Clarke) Greg Desaulniers (L) +1 ($200 Brown) Nicola Martin (R) 0 ($100 G Desaulniers) Katherine Johnson (R) 0 ($200 Hungerford)
Cathy Covernton (R) -1 ($100 Barclay)
Ryan Haider (L) -2 ($100 B/L Armstrong)
Chris Harley (L) -2 ($150 Harley)
Tim Martin (L) -3 ($100 Hungerford)
Mark Heaney (R) -3 ($200 Woolley)
Michael Leckie (L) -4 ($200 Goldsmith)
Read about the 2011 Calcutta
Read about the 2012 Calcutta
Poster designed by Mike Leckie of Campos Leckie Studio.